MDF to ISO convertor
Update: Version 0.5 is out. Choose between Burn or Convert.
On the internet you can find almost everything. The problem is how are you able to use it. MDF files are one of those things. You can find those files everywhere, but how can you burn them on cd/dvd-rom in such a way they become usable? Esspecially when you are using Nero Burning rom as your cd/dvd burnprogram.
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Yes you are not alone, and according to my visitors webstatistics there are alot of people with this very same question. First a MDF file is nothing more than a ISO file. By changing the the file extension .mdf to .iso you can burn the file with any burnprogram. But to make life easier I developed a MDF to ISO convertor program, which does this for you. Just select the .MDF file, select you favorite burnprogram. Put a writable cd-rom or dvd-rom into your cd/dvd burner and press the Burn button. Within seconds you'll see your favorite burnprogram appear and follow the on screen instructions.

Just download the tool. It's free and runs on MS Windows 2000 and higher.
Q: Only Nero can be selected as burnprogram! A: Yes, this is a default setting. To let it work, you have to own a legal copy of Nero and you had to install Nero in the default installation directory. But if you use a different burnprogram, you can add this progam by selecting New... item in the dropdown box.
Q: The program doesn't do anything! A: Oops my mistake. I probably didn't handle a software exception. These might occur when you're trying to use the program on a readonly file, read only folder, you as user don't have enough grants to alter a file, the file is on a readonly media like a cd/dvd-rom. Just close the the program and a log file messagebox will appear. Click ok and check the MDF file settings and copy the file to another folder. When done try again. I think this will work, if not just drop me message.